User-Generated Content for your Social Media

If you’ve read any of our other posts about ideas for social media posts, you know we recommend posting a lot of photos of your congregation to your church’s social media. In these days of online church, however, we have fewer opportunities to take photos of congregations to post on social media. However, we have a great opportunity to involve more people than ever before in our social media posts by soliciting user-generated content. Here are a few ideas for user-generated content your congregation can submit for your church’s social media.

1. Kids!

Ask parents to send in pictures of their kids participating in your church’s children’s curriculum. After all, what parent doesn’t love an excuse to take a picture of their kids?

2. Sunday View.

During your online service, invite congregants to snap a picture of their view of church from home. This could include families in pajamas, coffee tables and televisions, kids huddled around laptops, or any other settings from the homes of your viewers.

3. Online Groups.

Invite your small groups to take a photo or screenshot of their small group on Zoom, Google Hangouts, or however they meet.

4. God Sightings.

Ask your congregation how they’ve seen God at work in their lives. Take those stories and (with permission) share them on social media to encourage your community.

What kinds of content are you posting in the days of online church?

(P.S. These content ideas are inspired by our friends at


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