The Ministry of Prayer First

 The Apostle Paul instructs Timothy in 1 Timothy 2:1a with the following:

“I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people.” 

Notice Paul’s choice of words as he begins, “urge” and “first of all.” Webster defines the word urge this way. “To try to persuade in a serious way to do something.” Paul is not simply passively suggesting, but rather persuading Timothy in a serious way to make prayer a “first of all” priority in the church.

That is the call of our region’s Prayer First ministry. It is our goal to urge our churches, first of all, to pray! We pray that God would increase a movement of prayer in our churches that would usher in an unprecedented work of spiritual renewal and revival.

There are three ways specifically that you can take advantage of the ministry of Prayer First:

  1. Prayer First Weekend –Participate in a weekend of teaching, preaching, inspiration and powerful prayer sessions with the goal of raising the temperature of prayer in your church. The weekend culminates in a Prayer Gathering where we will pray for Spiritual Revival and Awakening in your community and around the world.
  2. 21 Days of Prayer –These strategic times of prayer are designed to create spiritual momentum and greater dependence on God at strategic times in our ministries.
  3. Regional Prayer Gatherings –We want to gather as a family of churches, whether via Zoom or live, to pray for Kingdom advancement